They both virtually enjoy similar rights;
1 – Intimate Care:
Allah has permitted Intimate relations (sexual intercourse) with both the Wife and the ‘Right hand slave woman’ for the Muslim male;
And they who guard their private parts. Except from their wives [aZwaaj] or those their right hands possess [malakaT aYmaan] , for indeed, they will not be blamed – [Surah Mu’minun 23: 5-6]
This would be fair since they are women, both the wife and the ‘Right hand possessed’ [concubine] woman deserve a trustworthy partner who can take care of her in all ways (financially, emotionally, intimately etc.) This is a much better alternative for the ‘right hand woman’ in comparison to a Prison. 2 – Honorable Titles:
Wives are called ‘Zawwaaj’ from the word ‘Zawjah’ = the one you Mix with and are a Partner to.
Slaves are called; MalakaT aYmaanuK = Your Right hand Woman. The ‘Right hand woman ’ signifies that which is ‘blessed’ which supports you.
3 – An Agreement:
Wives: When you marry a Woman – you do a Nikah contract, which establishes that you have taken Guardianship from the woman’s father. (i.e. you will; Care for her, Provide etc.) and as a consequence – she will only have intimate relations with you.
Slaves: When you take a Slave woman – she does not have a Guardian. So no Nikah (transferal of Guardianship) takes place. Instead, when you take a slave, you are ensuring that she will only have intimate relations with you.
It is all a matter of ‘Responsibility.’
4 – Waiting Period:
Wives: When a free woman (wife) is divorced, she has an ‘Iddah [waiting period] of 3 months to see if she is pregnant from the previous husband.
Slaves: When a slave woman is sold, she has an ‘Istibraa’ [waiting period] for 1 month, to see if she is pregnant from her previous owner or not.
If Pregnant: In both cases – the free and slave women do not get married again until they deliver (give birth to) the child. After that they can get married again.
5 – Inheritance for Children from the Father:
Children from both the Wife and the Slave woman are born as Free (and not slaves) and Inherit wealth off the father.
can u give me reffarences on (5 – Inheritance for Children from the Father)