Thursday, 30 August 2012

Past & Present Day Slavery

Past Slavery: In previous Ages (many centuries/millennia into the past), Slavery involved the defeated people to serve the people who had overpowered them. They could not buy their own freedom easily because the victor had taken all their wealth and property through empowerment.

Present: Present day slavery is similar to slavery of the Past, except it isn’t as apparent and clear.

Present Day Slavery: After the Colonial Period (i.e. West taking over East), many nations were taken over and their vast resources fell into the hands of the Occupiers. Major Commercial Companies from these Colonialist, and more technologically advanced nations have had a tight grip on the huge quantity of Wealth and Resources of these less technologically advanced nations. Along with this, the value of the less technologically advanced nations Currency is kept at a low value rate purposely.

The people in these nations will work hard day and night, and only get a small wage which can sustain them for the basic necessities. (i.e. 1 Rupee in Pakistan is valued at around 1cent in the USA.) A person may get only a few Rupees of a hard day’s work. Any trading these Low value currency nations do with the High valued currency nations (i.e. £ Pounds sterling/Dollar $) will give little wealth back to the poor of that nation.

This is the type of Modern Slavery in the world today. They do not know which individual they are enslaved to, but they are enslaved to the Corporation Company who gives them the basic necessities wage – so long as they keep working and providing for their Owner. If they do not work for this Owner, they will lose out on trade, or they will merely trade within their own country – which will also bring low income – due to the low value of the Currency within their nation.

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