What will happen to the Prisoner Women in Islamic Society after the War?
Step 1: The Ameer [Leader] of the Believers will gather the Property of the territory after the War has ended (including; the Women, Children and Wealth etc.) & take them back to the Islamic state.
Note: This is the only case in which ‘slave women’ are taken (i.e. through the Ameer and him distributing them in an Islamic state.)
Step 2: The Ameer will fairly Distribute the Wealth (including the Women and Children) amongst the Believers within the Islamic state.
NOTE: If the womans husband is still alive, her marriage will automatically become Annulled [cancelled] once the Believers have returned to the Islamic state.*
Step 3: The woman will become the Property (as a trust) of the Muslim male # who she was distributed to. *
NOTE: Wisdom should be taken by the Ameer in recognising the status of the woman before her slavery when pairing her up with a Muslim. (i.e. the slavery of Safiyyah bint Huyayy to Allah’s Messenger was decided based on her Nobility amongst the Jews, and his nobility amongst his people. [Allah’s Messenger soon freed her and married her.])
*We see that these two steps are taken to ensure that the woman does not have intimate relations with two men at one time. Since that could cause confusion on whom the child belongs to. It also shows that Islam does not encourage Prostitution of slave women as that brings more evils in society.
# Muslim Free women do not have Male Slaves for sexual intercourse. (And would be an insult to her status of being a free woman.)
nice post frnd i like artical thanks for the artical