A nation who faces war, their men will be killed [in the war], and their women will go through either of these 3 circumstances;
1 – Imprisonment - because she was part of her people who were at war with the Victor. (she will most likely be raped in prison, and this happens even in the modern world. [search Abu Ghraib prison if in doubt.)
2 - Exhile - because the defeated peoples property has all been taken by the enemy. (so she will have to run to another land, where she will probably also face harm and probably rape . And she will not have a male provider. [if in doubt - study the effects of the Iraq war on Muslim women. (many have had to become prostitutes because their men have been killed) .)
3 - Being a Concubine - this is the best practical solution. She has a Believing male provider , she has similar rights to a wife. She learns about Islam from the Muslims in an Islamic society. She soon earns her freedom [see Um al Walad ]. And the male who is Responsible over her may even; teach her, free her and marry her (since that is twice-fold rewardable for him – as stated in the Qur’an and Ahadith [see surah Nur 24:32 ) [Sahih al Bukhari Vol1,Book3 (Knowledge),#97]
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